Formerly known as Web of Knowledge, Web of Science is a subscription-based database created by the institute for scientific information (ISI) and is currently supported by Clarivate Analytics. The database provides comprehensive citation searches for users. The type of information offered by the Web of Science is bibliography along with summary and information of reference for scientific article references. Web of Science is one of the most important sources for assessment of the history of research papers and scientific research. In addition, it has a global reputation as an important analytical tool. The database has proper facilities, including simplicity of use of information, integrated provision of information and cited references and broad coverage of scientific topics. Today, Web of Science includes the following three databases:

Science Citation Index (SCI):

The citation index covers the sciences of medicine, agriculture, engineering science and, to a degree, behavioral and social sciences, and covers the period from 1961 onwards. The citation profile involves science in the field of medical sciences, agriculture, engineering sciences, as well as behavioral and social sciences. In addition, the time coverage of the citation profile is since 1961.

Social Science Citation Index (SCI):

This index includes the fields of social sciences, sociology, anthropology, communication, welfare and social services, education, psychology, management, and political science, and has been published since 2013.

Art & Humanities Citation Index

This index covers the field of fine arts, performing arts, archeology, architecture, literature, philosophy, religion, and history, and its time coverage is from 1985 onwards. Scientific evaluation indicators are applied to evaluate quantitative and qualitative scientific outputs of individuals, institutions, and countries. The Web of Science Database is one of the most reliable international databases for conducting scientometrics studies. Given the great importance of this database, indexing journals and searching articles in its has a special place among researchers.